Save Money & Energy While Showering
A Power-Pipe® recovers the heat energy lost down the drain during showering and uses it to pre-heat incoming mains freshwater. Saving £ + energy.
Benefits of Power-Pipe®:
- Global leading manufacturer of WWHR systems; over 100,000+ installed
- Wide range of models for residential and commercial use
- Listed in SAP for credits towards UK Building Regulation Part L
- WRAS approved double walled and vented heat exchanger
How It Works
Do you know how much energy your shower uses?
Believe it or not, the shower uses more energy than any other appliance in the home. The average shower in the UK lasts around eight minutes and uses the same amount of energy as:
- Boiling a kettle 22 times
- Leaving the TV turned on for 26 hours
- Running your laptop for 36 hours
- Having a LED light on for 13 days
And the majority of this energy ends up straight down the drain – what a waste! With Power-Pipe you can recover up to 70 percent of this valuable heat energy.

As warm waste water from the shower travels down the Power-Pipe, surface tension causes the
water to be attracted to the inner surface of the pipe, which creates thin film.
What happens next?

Why is it sent to the cold side of the shower mixer?
Why is it sent to the water heater?
Step 2